Akosua Aset

Akosua Aset

" Fitness and being actively involved in our physical well-being is part of self love. By shaping our bodies we take or regain control over them, witness our strength and enhance manifestation powers which may spill over to other areas of our life."


Akosua Aset
Akosua Aset born in Miami-Beach, USA is of Jamaican descent and was raised mostly in northern Germany. She is now mother of 3 while being a Social Worker, Smai Tawi Basu and Nutritionist & Health and Wellness consultant. In 2012 Aset got certified in Smai Tawi by the Sema Institute by Muata & Karen Ashby. In 2013 she completed her certification in nutrition, health and wellness and in 2020 she added a certification as a Kemetic Yoga teacher for children
"Smai Tawi Teacher, Hudu Teacher, Health and Wellness Consultant, Teacher Trainer, Social Worker B.A. January 2012: 2 Weeks of Hatha Yoga Training September 2012: 200h Certification in Smai Tawi (Tjef Sema Paut Neteru) March-July 2013: Certification Health & Wellness Consultant October 2019-March 2020: Afrikan Yoga / Hudu Certification September-November 2020: Kemetic Yoga for Children Certification Presently: Completing Bachelor of Arts in Social Work"